University of Vermont Professional and Continuing Education Interview: It was a pleasure to be interviewed for the UVM blog.

Noel Bell Podcast: Sacred Death–A Discussion of Life and Death

Noel Bell is a psychotherapist in London who joined one of our death cafés and then invited my cohost and me to be interviewed on his podcast.

Sacred Death: 25 Tools for Care Givers

Exciting news, death-positive friends! I’m so happy to announce a special book for care givers of the dying. If you have ever provided care to a friend or loved one, are in the midst of doing so now, or find yourself struggling with grief for any reason, this book contains wisdom, insight, and tools/skills to support you as you traverse this journey.

I’m humbled to say that I’m one of the contributing authors. My chapter is on watching and listening for mystical signs of reassurance from the other side. Other topics include conscious dying, the art of letting go, breath work, self-care while giving care, and sacred ceremonies, to name a few.

Sacred Death is available on Amazon, or you can order from me and receive a personal, signed copy. To order from me, drop me an email at List price is $22 and includes shipping. Payment can be made via Venmo or old-fashioned, snail-mailed check.

Sacred Death Author Podcasts

If you’re curious about the book, interviews of all the authors are available on the Brave Healer Productions YouTube channel. Watch them to get a glimpse into each author’s tool for the care giving journey.

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